Designed with the help of leading verification engineers from various companies, our apps are extremely easy to use and set up, provide familiar user interfaces that fit existing use models, and use standard languages for the creation of assertions and applying control. The apps range from easy to use, automated capabilities for designers to deep coverage driven verification for regression environments.
Library of automated functions targeting recurring verification tasks
In the past, formal verification was considered difficult to deploy and use. Writing properties, executing the tools, and interpreting the results required specialized knowledge. This has had the unfortunate effect of masking the power of this highly effective verification approach. However, a new generation of formal tools has emerged that eliminate these problems, formal apps.
OneSpin provides a complete set of formal apps as part of OneSpin 360 DV. On top of that, additional innovative capabilities are available, targeting for example safety critical design, or hardware security as special apps and from third party providers.
Checkout the App Libraries of OneSpin 360
OneSpin Formal Apps
The concept of apps is not entirely new, however the need for a high degree of automation, and the capability to easily target new applications require a different approach. OneSpin’s formal apps are built on top of OneSpin’s next generation formal platform, allowing this effective technology to be easily customized and targeted to solve difficult problems at the push of a button.
In addition, specialized capabilities for fault propagation analysis, SystemC/C++ arithmetic analysis, as well as third party tools for hardware security analysis, and specification verification are available.
Learn more about how formal apps are applied:
- 16 Formal Apps that make Formal easy for us non-Formal engineers, “It's prepackaged Formal for the non-Formal user. This approach both saves engineering man-hours plus it ups the quality of the assertions used to verify your chip.” Jim Hogan